Music Ministries
The Holy Spirit Church has been blessed with many musical parishioners who enthusiastically offer their time and talent to sing in the choir and beautify our worship services. The choir sings in both English and Greek. Many hymns are done with organ accompaniment, while many short responses are sung a cappella. In addition to Sunday Divine Liturgies from September to June, the Holy Spirit Choir sings for the Vesperal Liturgies of Christmas and Theophany, Lenten Presanctified Liturgies, Holy Week Services and, by request, at weddings. We are members of the Mid-Eastern Federation of Greek Orthodox Choirs (MEFGOX) and the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. As members of these organizations, we participate in workshops and conventions to expand our knowledge. Choir social events include the annual fall Corn Roast, Christmas caroling and party, Lenten potluck suppers and the end-of-the-year Choir Dinner in June. We have recently started an annual spring Musical Revue. The show has been great fun while raising money for the parish. If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact the church for an audition.
A Capella Choir
The Holy Spirit a Cappella choir sings Divine Liturgies on Sundays during the summer and on weekdays, as well as Lenten Compline services and Presanctified Liturgies. The singing is generally in three- or four-part harmony and is mostly based on Byzantine tradition. Both Greek and English languages are used. Its members are seasoned church musicians (college-aged and older) who are familiar with the Divine Liturgy and are able to read music.
Our chanters at Holy Spirit have well over 60 years of combined experience. They chant the Matins and Vespers services, services during Great Lent and Holy Week, and special services throughout the year. All of these are done in Greek and English, according to the traditional melodies of the Church as handed down for hundreds of years. If you have a good voice, love for the hymns of the Church, and desire to serve Christ, please feel free to talk to any of the chanters or to Fr. Jim about joining this dedicated ministry.